When the display loses signal with the meter the display shows the last known live load still on the screen. The cumulative totals will also fail to increase.

The is the same for Energynote, If you turn off the meter (or suddenly lose coms) Energynote will display it’s last known load…. Totals will not increment.

You will need to re-pair your transmitter to your display by following the steps below, 


-Hold down the – and + button both together on the display until you see [PAIRMODE]
-You should now see “MAIN SENSOR”
-Hold down middle button so it reads [NONE]
-Remove the cover off your transmitter and hold down the pairing button until you see a flashing red light.
-The display should now read [CONN] followed by the reception bars on the left hand corner of display.

-Use the + button to exit out of the pairing menu.